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Excel Solutions : Basic and Advanced, a ready reference to your Microsoft Excel or Spreadsheet problems.

I started writing this blog because I found although there are numerous websites, blogs are available in the internet but somehow they are not adequate in understanding the basic Excel easily, numerous Syntax description and full of mechanical sentences and unknown examples without the Excel Workbook.

I thought that if I've got knowledge in Excel why should I not distribute it to you  publicly in an easy understandable language ? ( I am happy that you are here reading this About Me page.)

I started working with Excel in the year 1999-2000, when the Windows version 98, 2000 etc., was ruling the entire World, at present I am working as Data Analyst in a non-government organization since 10-11 years. I have experienced many different types of problems in Excel, I analyzed them, experimented with the formula, with the output data and every time I found a new way to get my desired data. I felt from my heart why should I not distribute this knowledge to you ?

So, I started this blog Excel Solutions : Basic and Advanced starting from the basic function to more complex function.

Here in this blog please share your spreadsheet problems to me, read my blog regularly, (as I update it frequently), watch the embedded videos or view my YouTube channel. Follow me on Twitter. More over feel free to ask me questions. I am ready to help you, especially to your Excel problem, I love Excel, I love to show you the easiest way to use Microsoft Excel very easily and I wise that I made you to fall in love of Excel.
Thank you...

Excel Trainer...